Abundant research has been conducted to find the links between the emotional reaction in individuals and the music they choose to listen to. It has become clear that music and human emotion go back to the very dawn of humanity and that in different cultures this relationship has developed in different ways, including the spiritual, competition, rituals, and leisure. Despite the existence of this relationship for millennia, there are still fundamental questions to be asked about why music is so important to our emotional well-being.
Music has the capability to quite literally elevate people to another level of existence; it can put them in state of mind where they obtain a glimpse of the divine; it can inspire them with courage as they go into battle; it can stir hearts as a team starts a sports games and so on. At the same time, music can incite anger, rage, and aggression.
It is important that we investigate and try to understand how the interplay between music and emotions continues to evolve.